The Department of Aeronautical Engineering was established in the year 2007 with a sanctioned intake of 60 students. The department is well equipped with qualified, experienced and committed faculty members. Anna University has approved the department with permanent affiliation due to the well-equipped laboratories and good infrastructure as per the curriculum requirements. Aeronautical Engineering department have been granted accreditation by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The department has churned out 36 University Rank Holders so far.
The Department has two unique research facilities viz Flight Simulator and Supersonic Wind Tunnel obtained at a cost of Rs.27 lakhs from AICTE under MODROBS Scheme. The department has signed MoUs with eight organizations for the betterment of the professional success of the students.
Aeronautical Engineering Department is recognized by Indian Space Research Organization and Indian Institute of Remote Sensing as their Nodal Centers. The department year on year in collaboration with Aeronautical Society of India conducts programs for the benefit of students. Astronomy Club and UAV Club are two professional club involved in various activities. The department sends the students to undergo their Final year projects in collaboration with the industries. Aeronautical Engineering Department was adjudged as “Best Department” for the academic year 2022-2023 by the management.
“To enrich the students with knowledge, skills and value added education in the Aeronautical Engineering domain to meet the challenges of the industries and the society”
MD1:To prepare the students with flexible curriculum on par with industrial standards for improving their academic excellence.
MD2:To expose the students with the current trends and developments through industry-institute collaborations and value added programs
MD3:To nurture the students with employability skills, leadership and civic values through club activities and student chapters
PEO 1: To provide the core knowledge of Aeronautical engineering and its allied fields to render workable solutions for challenges and problems pertaining to the industries.
PEO 2: To encourage the students to acquire interpersonal and managerial qualities viz leadership, critical thinking and decision making.
PEO 3: To nurture and develop the students to exhibit strong ethics and values in serving the society with commitment.
PSO 1: The graduates will possess the professional knowledge of Aerodynamics, Structures and Materials and Propulsion to design and develop solutions for problems pertaining to Aeronautical and its allied industries.
PSO 2: The graduates will exhibit the ability to deploy the practices existing in industries and technological upgradation in their selected profession through lifelong learning.
At the time of graduation, the students of Aeronautical Engineering should have the
PO 1: ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO 2: PROBLEM ANALYSIS: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3: DESIGN /DEVELOPMENT: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4: CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS OF COMPLEX PROBLEMS: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5: MODERN TOOL USAGE: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6: THE ENGINEER AND SOCIETY: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7: ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO 8: ETHICS: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9: INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM WORK: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10: COMMUNICATION: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12: LIFE LONG LEARNING: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
The Thermodynamics laboratory provides lot of opportunity to the students to study different types of IC engine, and devices such as Refrigerator, Air conditioning unit that function based on thermodynamic cycle. A twin cylinder four stroke Diesel engine test rig is provided with a hydraulic dynamometer facility to carry out performance test and heat balance test at different loads. Cut sections of actual two stroke and four stroke engines give an insight to the students of the internal parts of the engine and also allow plotting the actual valve timing and port timing diagrams. The students can do performance test on vapour compression refrigeration set up which uses R-134a as a refrigerant. The 1 ton duct type Air conditioning unit which works based on vapour compression system is capable of testing the performance of the unit with different settings allowing for various psychrometric processes.
Aerodynamics Laboratory houses Low speed subsonic wind tunnel, Water flow channel and Blower balance test rig to conduct experiments in Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and fundamental studies in Fluid Mechanics. The facility includes wind tunnel balance, smoke generator, Multi- tube manometer, velocity indicator, pitot-tube traverse unit to allow students unique insight into the experimental models and flow regimes that are investigated. The experiment capabilities include Pressure Distribution over the Aerofoil Cylinder models, on Force Characteristics over Aerofoil, Spherical, Hemi – Spherical and Disc Models. On Flow Visualization to observe the flow pattern at different orientation of models have also been performed.
Aero Engine Lab
Aero engine Lab is a complete study of entire engine with handlings, maintenance and operational procedures. Well maintained Mikoyan-Gurevich (MIG-21) Jet Engine-USSR, a 14 cylinder piston engine, a 4 cylinder piston engine of CESSNA-152 US airplane are available power plants in our institution.
Our students are taught practically about the knowledge of dismantling assembling of various parts of reciprocating and jet engine to examine and to inspect, operational and functional procedures, maintenance repair and over hauling (MROs) of above said Aero engines. Our students are trained to perform practically about power plant starting and safety procedures during ground running of airplanes.
Airframe Lab
Airframe Lab is an entire study of airplane’s airframe construction, design, repair and maintenance. A well-equipped powered and non-powered technical and precision tools are used to do many repair and periodical maintenance in Cessna-152 airplane.
Airframe design plays a major role in leading airplane manufactures globally, so that our students are given a Hands on training to design a new airplane with airframe construction and design to meet the global standard for competitors. In addition our students are trained for Non Destruction Testing (NDT) for assurance of good quality based airframe design.
The Aircraft structures lab is set up for experimentation and testing of structural components. Several test frames have been designed and are available with strain gauges for testing of various structural components and to study deformation and stress analysis of the different structure using different load conditions. Students can be able to gain knowledge on fundamental aircraft structures and to train them to analysis different structural members with different loading and positions. Also enable students to know about the analysis method of composite materials.
This laboratory is also used to enhance the learning experience of undergraduate students by encouraging them to undertake projects. In addition the structures lab provides facilities which can be used for specimen preparation and testing.
Aircraft systems lab is a complete study of entire aircraft’s systems and their instrumentations. Cessna 152 US two seater airplane in our institution consist of the following systems,
Refilling of aviation fuels and hydraulic oils, charging of hydraulic suspension, calibration of almost all instruments in pilot cabin are demonstrated live. Our students are enhanced to learn practically about the working, operation and functional procedure of above mentioned aircraft systems. Every student are trained to work under different aircraft systems periodically with all maintenance procedures. In addition students are trained to perform a ground handling of airplane and engine starting procedures
A well-equipped computer lab having 60 computers with advanced facilities is established for the benefit of the aeronautical engineering students. High end terminals supported by latest hardware and software, latest visual aids, plotting devices, etc. are among them. Advanced aeronautical engineering software’s are procured for making the students globally competitive and industry ready. At CAD lab, students get professional training on 2D 3D drafting of aeronautical engineering drawings using the latest version of AutoCAD, Solid works, CATIA, ANSYS software. Student will learn computer aided design layout and 3D solid modeling definition. Students will also gain the knowledge of design and drafting needed for aeronautical engineering discipline.
The Propulsion Laboratory houses Jet Engine, Piston Engine, Free and wall jet set up and also the Propeller performance test rig to familiarize students and to expose them practically to various aircraft piston and gas turbine engines. It also gives practical exposure to various testing methods of variable area ducts, propellants, jet engine components and rockets. It is also used to determine the flow behavior of jets.
A real time fixed base Smart Fly Advent flight simulator facility to train our students in Cessna, Piper airplanes. Various flying training such as pre-flight check, study of various flight instrument, GPS locating, VOR, ILS, Autopilot, Nearest Airport selection, Heading Auto, OBS experiment are taught to the students to learn about cockpit management, emergency handlings and ground based checks. These experiments enhances our students to run the simulation of selected airplane at different weather conditions. In addition to the procedures outlined in the flight simulator, the appropriate level of fidelity can be used to practice emergency procedures, various manoeuvres and flight regimes such as autorotation, Unanticipated Yaw, Vortex Ring, Degraded Visual Environment (DVE), dynamic roll‑over etc.
Name of the Faculty Member | Dr.K.P.DHANABALAKRISHNAN |
Educational Qualification | B.E., ME., Ph.D |
Designation | Professor and Head |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 06.06.2018 |
Specialization | Composite Materials |
Total years of Experience | 28 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
Dr.K.P.Dhanabalakrishnan has more than 25 years of experience in Teaching and 6 years in the industry. In his 25 years of academic experience, Prof.K.P.Dhanabalakrishnan has served as Principal; Head of the Department and as Training and Placement Officer. He obtained his Doctoral Thesis in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering by doing his research in Metal Matrix Composites. Prof.K.P.Dhanabalakrishnan received Rs.27 lakhs under AICTE MODROBS scheme for the establishment of Supersonic Wind Tunnel and Flight Simulator during 2019 and 2020. He has also obtained funds from Institution of Engineers and NAAC for the conduct of programs. His technical papers were presented in International and National Conferences and reputed Journals viz Web of Science, Scopus and UGC Care.
So far he has filed three patents and has been published. He has attended more than 20 programs to hone his academic expertise and has organized more than 30 programs. Received “Teaching Awards in Engineering” from Staffordshire University, UK and Education Matters, Chennai on 12th February, 2015, “Gnanaguru” Award for distinguished educational services from Lions Club of Pollachi on 7th September, 2016, “Teachers Day Award 2021” from the Management of Hindusthan Educational Institutions for exemplary performance under the category “Best Application Award” for receiving grants from agencies for the academic year 2020-2021 and “Sarvepalli Dr.Radhakrishnan Global Educator Award-2023” from International Council for Education, Research and Training, New Delhi. The Department of Aeronautical Engineering was bestowed with “Best Department Award” for the Academic Award 2022-2023 by the Management of Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 5th September, 2023.
Name of the Faculty Member | Dr. R SANTHANAKRISHNAN |
Educational Qualification | ME., Ph.D |
Designation | Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 01.06.2023 |
Specialization | Aerospace Propulsion |
Total years of Experience | 18 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
Dr. R. Santhanakrishnan is presently working as an Professor in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Formerly worked as a Registrar Evaluation in CMR University, Bengaluru and a Controller of Examinations in Amity University Mumbai, India. He did his UnderGraduate (B.E.) in Aeronautical Engineering, Post Graduate (M.E.) in Aeronautical Engineering and Ph.D. (Faculty in Mechanical Engineering) in the area of Aerospace Propulsion in Anna University Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He is an active life member in Institute of Engineers India (IEI), Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE), International Society for Research and Development (ISRD) and International Association of Engineers (IAENG).
Dr. R. Santhanakrishnan has 18.5 years of rich Teaching Experience along with administrative experiences like COE, IQAC Coordinator; Implementing Outcome Based Education (OBE), Curriculum Development Cell (CDC), ISO Certification, AICTE – Web Portal Administrator, AISHE, NIRF, Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, SWAYAM/NPTEL Local Chapter, Implementing e-Governance (ERP) in HEIs, MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC), College with Potential Excellence, Student Associations and possessed the required skill set for implementing National Education Policy (NEP) – 2020. He has much more experience of working in three cycles of NAAC accreditations with the extension of the autonomy process. With this experience, he acted as a consultant and gave consultancy to more than 20 institutions for both NAAC accreditation, autonomous and NBA process. In addition to the above, he published more than Seventeen Research articles in various reputed International Journal listed in Scopus and Webof Science. He has also been involved in Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA), organized, implemented, and monitored programs and assessments. Was responsible for the quality–related activities of the institution. Coordinate in preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR), and Self Study Report (SSR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters. Coordinate the timely and efficient execution of the decision of the IQAC committee.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.M.MOSES DEVAPRASANNA |
Educational Qualification | ME., |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 06.07.2011 |
Specialization | Energy Engineering |
Total years of Experience | 18 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
Mr. M Moses Devaprasanna is a dedicated teacher in the field of Aeronautical Engineering with an ability to create a positive and innovative learning environment for students. He obtained his Post Graduate Degree in M.E (Energy Engineering). He has over 18 years of experience in teaching Aeronautical Engineering students. He has published 7 International journals and 4 International conference papers. He is a life member of ISTE, IEI and SAE. Received funded projects from AICTE under MODROBS to the tune of about 16 Lakhs. Conducted Seminars, Conferences, Webinars and Workshops in the area of Thermal sciences and Flight Simulation for the benefit of the student community.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.M.S.PRABHU |
Educational Qualification | B.E., M.E., (Ph.D) |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 25.06.2008 |
Specialization | Energy Engineering |
Total years of Experience | 15 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He obtained his PG Degree in M.E(Industrial Engineering). He is currently pursuing his Ph.D in the area of Heat Transfer. He is having 15 Years of dedicated service in this noble profession-Teaching. He has published 10 International journals and 2 International conferences. He extends his work in conducting various social service programme in our college. He is being a program officer for NSS for past 10 years.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.M.HARISH |
Educational Qualification | M.E., |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 10-09-2012 |
Specialization | Aerodynamics, Rocket Propulsion, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Avionics, Composite Materials and Structures |
Total years of Experience | 11 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He obtained his UG degree & PG Degree in (Aeronautical engineering) from, PCET, Coimbatore. He has 11 years of teaching experience. His area of specialization includes Aerodynamics, Rocket Propulsion, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Composite Materials and Structures and Avionics. He has published 14 research papers in various International and National Journals, Conferences etc. He has 3 patents published in the Aerodynamics domain. He is a member of professional bodies like AeSI, ISTE, ISRD, IEI & IAENG.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.S.TAMIL SELVAN |
Educational Qualification | B.E., M.E. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 13.06.2011 |
Specialization | Aeronautical Engineering |
Total years of Experience | 12 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He obtained his UG degree in B.E(Aeronautical engineering) and PG Degree in M.E(Aeronautical Engineering). He is having 12 Years of dedicated service in this noble profession-Teaching. He has completed Flight Training Program at IIT KANPUR. He is a member of professional bodies like AeSI,ISTE, IEI, ISRD & IAENG. He has published 9 International journals and 2 National conference papers.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.N.MAHESWARAN |
Educational Qualification | B.E., M.E. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 01.07.2016 |
Specialization | Structures & Supersonic Combustion |
Total years of Experience | 8 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He obtained his UG degree in B.E (Aeronautical engineering)and PG Degree in M.E(Aeronautical Engineering). He is having 8 Years of teaching experience. He is a Technical Assistant for NPTEL course-IIT KANPUR. He has published 16 journals and 4 conference. He is a member of professional bodies like AeSI,ISTE, ISRD & IAENG.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.B.SARAVANAKUMAR |
Educational Qualification | B.E., M.E. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 01.07.2015 |
Specialization | Industrial Engineering |
Total years of Experience | 8 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He obtained his PG Degree in M.E (Industrial Engineering). He has 8 Years of dedicated teaching experience. Also he has 8 Years of experience in industries like CRI Valves & CALMET Engineering.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.C.JAYAPRAKASH |
Educational Qualification | B.E., M.E. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 03.07.2020 |
Specialization | CAD/CAM |
Total years of Experience | 3 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He obtained his UG degree in B.E (Aeronautical engineering) and PG Degree in M.E(CAD/CAM). He is having 3 Years of teaching experience.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.V.GANESAN |
Educational Qualification | B.E., M.E. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 12.06.2018 |
Specialization | Thermal Engineering |
Total years of Experience | 5 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He obtained his UG degree in B.E (Automobile Engineering) and PG Degree in M.E(Thermal Engineering). He is having 9 Years of dedicated service in this noble profession-Teaching. He is a member of professional bodies like ISTE, IEI & IAENG. He has published 5 International journals and 3 National conference papers.
Name of the Faculty Member | Mr.R.SAKTHIVEL |
Educational Qualification | BE (Aeronautical Engineering), MS (Applied Mechanics) |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Date of Joining in the Institution | 17.07.2023 |
Total years of Experience | 4 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Contact Information | |
He completed his post-graduation from IIT Madras with the specialization in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). He is currently working in CFD, gas dynamics, combustion and heat transfer associated areas in aeronautical engineering. He has published two international journal papers.
![]() Shamshabad, Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad – 500 409 Telangana State, India |
• Seminar on Advances in Propulsion Technology • Internship and training |
![]() Belagondanahalli, Hosur, Tamil Nadu - 635 110 |
• Internship • Innovation Development and Technology enhancement • Consultancy Work • Project Work • Student enrichment programs • Value added activities • Industry institute interaction for mutual benefits |
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• Internship • Innovation Development and Technology enhancement • Consultancy Work • Project Work • Student enrichment programs • Value added activities • Industry institute interaction for mutual benefits • Placement |
![]() Kalingarayanpalayam, Bhavani, Tamil Nadu 638316 |
• Internship • Innovation Development and Technology enhancement • Consultancy Work • Project Work • Student enrichment programs • Value added activities • Industry institute interaction for mutual benefits |
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• Internship • Innovation Development and Technology enhancement • Consultancy Work • Project Work • Student enrichment programs • Value added activities • Industry institute interaction for mutual benefits |
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• Internship • Innovation Development and Technology enhancement • Project Work • Student enrichment programs • Value added activities • Industry institute interaction for mutual benefits |
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• Internship • Value added activities • Project Work |
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• Internship • Value added activities • Project Work • Industry institute interaction for mutual benefits |
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• Internship • Innovation Development and Technology enhancement • Consultancy Work • Project Work • Student enrichment programs • Value added activities • Industry institute interaction for mutual benefits |